5-10 minute Unschooling Pep Talks
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Each week busy parents get quick bites (5-15 minutes) of inspiration and tips on the Unschooling Mom2Mom podcast with Sue Patterson.
Sue discusses unschooling topics to answer your questions, calm your fears, and expand your knowledge.
Listening to her is like a mini-pep-talk, leaving you more confident and ready for success!
Leave a review at your favorite podcast platform - and share with friends!
#165 - The Art of Noticing - and Individualizing and Stage Mgrs
#166 - Pi Day - The Quintessential Homeschool Holiday
#167 - How Unschoolers Cover Subjects in the Spring
#168 - The Myth of Structure
#164 - Can We Talk? A Quick Chat with Homeschooled Moms
#163 - When Moms Feel Discouraged
#162 - Build Your Own Unschooling Confidence - Free Weekly Checklist
#161 - Using Winter as Your Homeschooling Guide
#160 - Reading is NOT the Holy Grail
#159 - Unschooling Red Flags
#158 - Unschooling 101: The Step-by-Step Strategy You Need
#157 - Looking Back and Moving Forward: Celebrating Our Unschooling Community
#156 - These In-Between Days: Exploring Unschooling in this Liminal Space
#155 - Turning Toward Winter - Learning from the Seasons
#154 - Become an "Unschooling Holiday Prepper" - Surviving Gatherings
#153 - An Unschooling Shift to Gratitude
#152 - An Unschooler's Haunted House
#151 - Understanding the Benefits of Unschooling - for Friends/Family
#150 - #1 Biggest Worry: What If I Fail?
#149 - Autumn Unschooling - 6 Tips for Learning in the Fall
#148 - Unschooling Billboards and Roadmaps
#147 - Helping Unschooled Kids Navigate Typical Questions
#146 - A Decade of Unschooling Support
#145 - Summer School for Unschoolers!?
#144 - Unschooling, Teaching/Learning: "Unschoolers Don't Teach?"
#143 - Loop Scheduling - and UNSCHOOLING?
#142 - Overcoming Tricky Situations as Homeschoolers
#141 - Father's Day: Lessons from the Side of the Pool
#140 - Summertime Unschooling
#139 - How Will I Know if Unschooling Isn't Working?
#138 - Unschooling and Mother's Day
#137 - Unlocking the Learning - Unschooling Explained
#136 - How do Unschoolers Learn School Subjects?
#135 - What's Wrong with a LITTLE Curriculum?
#134 - Finding Your People - How Do Unschoolers Find Each Other?
Podcast Playlists:
Taking the steps to unschool your children can seem overwhelming. You likely have questions about what to do, where to start, and all the “hows” of inspiring learning through natural curiosity. Sue shares her insights, tips, and support for you in her podcast episodes within the “How to Unschool” category.
Math anxiety can sometimes feel like a national phobia. In these selected episodes, Sue shares her insights, tips, and tricks to help you unlearn math fears and share with your children how math is all around us - from cooking, to building, to dealing with money and more.
The teen years can provoke angst in many parents. Questions about how to unschool teens come up often, and Sue can help you through the uncertainties. Her advice in this collection of podcast episodes comes from guiding her own children through the teen years and her decades of experience with other parents and listening to the teens themselves.
Learning to trust the process of going from a curriculum-based system to a natural curiosity-led approach takes a little time. Deschooling can bring up uncertainties in parents. Sue understands and has gathered a collection of podcast episodes to help you through this transformative time.
#132 Too Much Technology?How do I Know?
#131 Lean Into the Love
#130 Unschooling Valentine's Day
How Do I Know if Unschooling Is Right for Us?
Unschooling the Pythagorean Theorem
Common Denominators in Successful Unschooling Families
Typical Unschooling Days - 3 Secrets to Success!
Incomplete Deschooling - Are Homeschoolers Doing it Wrong?
Switching from Homeschooling to Unschooling
#123 Unschooling - Just for December!
#122 Measuring and Comparing Children
#121 Getting Unschooled Kids Out of the Hot Seat
Gratitude Journal Ideas for Unschoolers
When Grandparents are Anti-Unschooling
Halloween Candy, Big Kids, and Criticism
#117 Brainstorming Instead of Lesson Plans
#116 Is Unschooling Really Legal?
#115 100 Tips for Homeschooling Parents
Dare to Unschool - Rewriting the Rules
#110 Navigating the Back-to-School Season/Hype as Unschoolers
#109 The Kids Don't Have to Go to School
#108 Decision Time - NOT Back-to-School
Your Unschooling Permission Slip
How hard will It be to unschool for me?
#103 Getting School Out of Our Heads
#102 Subjects Hiding at Sea - How Unschooling Works
Letting Go of Your Curriculum Crutches
Considering Unschooling?
The Unschooler's Curious Path: from Confusion to Confidence
How to Deschool - the Key to Successful Unschooling
#97 Emotional roller coasters & skeptical kids
#96 Unschooling vs. Homeschooling: What's the Difference?
#95 Unschooling Tips for Mother's Day
#94 Unschooling and Your Fear of Educational Gaps
#90 Getting Off the Educational Conveyor Belt
Surviving Curriculum Season... as Unschoolers
What Sparks Joy - Unschoolers Knew...
#86 Brainstorming and Making Plans
#85 Your Unschooling End-of-Year Review
5 Strategies to Get Rid of Holiday Stress
3 Stumbling Blocks for Unschooling
#82 Coping with Holiday Get Togethers...as Unschoolers
#81 Heroes in Training (Michael Patterson)
#80 I went to school and I'm "Fine"
#79 Unschooling: A Real Life Curriculum
#78 Are Your Kids Worried about Unschooling?
#77 When all they want to Do is PlayPretend!
#75 What about Parenting... as Unschoolers?
#74You're unschooling-now what's the plan?
#73 Don't Do It!
#72 Unschooling &Parents of Pre-Schoolers
#69 What about ALMOST Unschooling?
#68 Following the Kids' Interests
#67 Father's Day - just around the corner!
#65 Unschooling Offers Benefits for Parents!
#64 Moving from Homeschooling to Unschooling
#63 Are You Afraid of Unschooling?
#62 Mother's Day and THAT Mom!
#61 Unschooling Q & A #2 (YouTube)
#60 3 Step Formula for Unschooling Success!
#59 Mistakes to Avoid When You're a New Unschooler
#58 Unschooling Q & A (YouTube)
#57 9 Solutions If You're Stressed Out!
#56 Oh! That Word, Unschooling!
#55 What My Unschooled Kids Never Learned!
#54 Your Unschooling Manifesto
#53 It's a Wrap!
#50 What's Holding You Back from Unschooling?
#48 7 Tips to Get Started Unschooling
#47 Saying Goodbye to 2021 - as Unschoolers
#46 Adding Sparkle
#44 Pass the Bean Dip - Holidays and Relatives
#40 10 Lessons You Need to Unlearn
#39 20 Questions... about Unschooling
#38 Everything Really DOES Count!
#37 Unschooling Neurodivergent/Disabled Kids
#35 September and Shaky Starts
#34 The Pros and Cons of Unschooling
#33 Why ARE Unschoolers Skipping School?
#25 Grow Your Unschooling Confidence
#24 Come to the Podcast Party!
#23 Structures, Schedules, & Unschooling!
#22 5 Ways Homeschooling Is Easier Than You Think!
#21 Can Unschoolers Get Into College?
#20 Unschooling Criticism from Friends and Family
#16 Your Unschooling Curriculum
#14 Unschooling & Learning to Read
#13 When Dad's Not Onboard with Unschooling
#12 Deschooling... for HOW long?
#11 Let's Talk about Unschooling Teens
#10 Your Own Educational Philosophy
#9 Overcoming Fears about Unschooling
#7 Teaching, Learning, Partnering with Unschooling
#3 Myths and Misconceptions about Unschooling
#1 Welcome to the Unschooling Mom2Mom Podcast! (top of this page)
"I have followed Sue Patterson a bit,
but just began listening to her podcast today while driving.
I LOVE it. Short 10-15 min episodes, valuable information.
We have been navigating deschooling and unschooling
and it’s quite a journey of breaking all the thoughts and systems we have been conditioned in.
This podcast has been so validating and valuable in just the few episodes I have listened to so far.
Highly recommended! 👏🏻👍🏻 "
~Amanda, Connecticut
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