A Monthly Calendar of Daily Activities & Celebrations
Weekly Deep Dives for Extra Learning
A Private Portal for Progress Tracking
The Unschooling Strewing Calendar is designed for:
What is strewing? Strewing is a technique used in unschooling where you introduce interesting materials, activities, or ideas to spark natural curiosity and learning, allowing children to explore at their own pace.
How will I receive the calendar each month? You’ll receive a digital PDF calendar at the beginning of each month, along with weekly email updates containing extra resources and ideas for deeper exploration.
How do I access the private portal? Each month, you're given the secret password to open the portal. The link is always in the left nav bar here at the website - but only subcribers have the key! (password!)
Is the Strewing Calendar age-specific? Not at all! Topics are simply based on curiosities - from penguins to parfaits, from historical events to famous people's birthdays - we have it all. Whether your kid is younger or a teen, you'll find links that will help them explore. Lots of parents say that the calendar helps THEM dive a little deeper into something they had forgotten about. So yes, this calendar is truly for ALL AGES!
Can I see a sample? Actually, yes, you can! Here's what we sent out last July. This is typical of the monthly download. The monthly email then gives access to the private portal where you can get more links and the subjects associated with each daily celebration.
Can I cancel anytime? Absolutely! The calendar comes in 6-month and 12-month subscriptions.
We do not automatically resubscribe anyone.
With the Unschooling Strewing Calendar, every day is a new adventure, filled with curiosity, creativity, and learning that feels effortless. Subscribe today and let the magic of daily discovery unfold for your family.
Subscribe Now and Start Your Adventure!
You’re on a roll with strewing and enjoying all the new discoveries each day brings. All these great ideas for only $5/month.
Make the Strewing Calendar a part of your daily life all year round. Sign up for this plan 12 months for the price of 10. Our best deal!
I can help!
Strewing is a technique used in unschooling where you introduce interesting materials, activities, or ideas to spark natural curiosity and learning, allowing children to explore at their own pace.
What to put in their paths? Toys, odd items around the house that haven’t been considered recently, items from nature, and curious finds. But strewing also includes things like conversations or excursions out into the community. Strewing is about finding something you think your child might find interesting and letting go of any expectations of whether they do or not. But, of course, there’s more to it, and Sue shares her wisdom on the podcast: “What Is Strewing?”
Unschooling Guide: Strewing
This Unschooling Guide will walk you through what strewing is and isn't without all the conflicting information found on the internet.