Encouragement - Tips - Resources - Inspiration
You don't have to switch gears and start duplicating school!
Do you share some of these same concerns?
This Unschooling Teens Toolkit will get you the answers you need!
Sue Patterson's advice comes not only from guiding her own three (now grown) teens,
but also from years spent listening to other parents and the teens themselves!
She's sharing resources, tips, and guidance so you can create your own success stories!
Your children will eventually become teens - or maybe already are - and you have questions.
In Sue’s blogs and podcasts, she covers many areas related to unschooling teens.
Check them out for helpful insights, tips, and inspirations.
By Sue Patterson
What better way to reassure yourself that unschooling your teen is an excellent decision than to read the success stories as told by 75 young people themselves? Sue's interviews showcase how they made friends, got along with family, and explored unique learning environments. They're eager to share the benefits and advantages they experienced through homeschooling. Their lives were (and are!) full, rich, and happy.
Available in digital formats or in paperback.
A traditional school path often involves college.
But, can unschooled teens get into college?
How do they do once they are there?
Sue and other experts address these concerns that empower you to answer them for yourself and with your kids.
Read more here...
Sometimes it's hard to visualize how you're going to translate your teens every day activities into an acceptable transcript. Even if your kids are younger, this idea can worry you!
That's why I created 2 options to help parents like you!
I've collected and created so many resources to help parents who want to unschool their teenagers. But they seem scattered all over the place - on various websites, in blogs, using different social media platforms.
I've pulled it all together in this handy resource designed to let you know what's available.
It will definitely help make your path easier to navigate.
✓ Inspiring information to support your unschooling journey!
✓ Resource links to get you the information you need.
✓ Stay Connected so you'll always know how to reach out for support!