Unschooling Your Teens

Encouragement - Tips - Resources - Inspiration

Anxious about Unschooling Teens?

You don't have to switch gears and start duplicating school!

Do you share some of these same concerns?

  • Will unschooling ruin their chances for college?
  • How do I get them away from screens?
  • Could our relationship be better?
  • Are their sleep habits weird?
  • What life skills will they need to be successful adults?

This Unschooling Teens Toolkit will get you the answers you need!

Get the Unschooling Teens Toolkit!

Unschooling Teens -You're in the Right Place!

Sue Patterson's advice comes not only from guiding her own three (now grown) teens,

but also from years spent listening to other parents and the teens themselves! 
She's sharing resources, tips, and guidance so you can create your own success stories!

Find Out More...

Your children will eventually become teens - or maybe already are - and you have questions. 
In Sue’s blogs and podcasts, she covers many areas related to unschooling teens. 
Check them out for helpful insights, tips, and inspirations.

Teen Years – Is it too late to Unschool?
By Sue Patterson November 8, 2022
So many kids have been struggling with school! Bullying, the pressure to perform, the over-emphasis on testing, the sleep deprivation – the list keeps growing. But parents worry if it's too late to switch gears and choose to unschool. Sue shares why it's not too late to unschool - AT ALL!
By Sue Patterson October 4, 2022
Are you new to unschooling and your kids are worried unschooling may not be "enough?" Sue Patterson shares how you could talk about it with them, when it's all new.
By Sue Patterson July 19, 2022
What do you do when your teen hates school ...and anything that seems even a little bit "educational? In this episode of the Unschooling Mom2Mom Podcast, Sue Patterson shares how and why the unschooling approach is perfect for this! Podcast Transcript Hi Everyone! It’s time we talk about teens again! I’ll share a message I received just today about a family that’s wondering how to do this. So instead of answering her and sending her some resources, I thought I’d put it in the podcast! If we haven’t met or this is your first time listening, I’m Sue Patterson, and this is the Unschooling Mom2Mom podcast. Each week, I offer you 5-10 minutes of an unschooling peptalk. - Something to help you see that your connection with your kid matters most. - Something that can show you how it’s OK to do something unconventional more than ok! Actually a really good idea! My own unschooled now-grown kids are 35, 33, and 30. They all took different paths - and they were and are prepared for their young adult lives. They got into college, conservatories, trade schools, own homes and businesses, started families - all things! AND they had awesome childhoods. And we didn’t duplicate school - not even in the teen years! I want to show you how. After 25 years in this community, I have so many resources to help you - whether you want to dip your toes in the water, or dive on in. I’ll put links in the shownotes for you. My New Unschooler course, Jumping Into Unschooling is a great solution for getting your brain wrapped around HOW unschooling can work for your teen. You don’t have to buy that expensive curriculum. Take the course and you’ll see what I mean!
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Time to Get the Unschooling Support You Need!

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Homeschooled Teens: 75 Young People Speak About Their Lives Without School

By Sue Patterson


What better way to reassure yourself that unschooling your teen is an excellent decision than to read the success stories as told by 75 young people themselves? Sue's interviews showcase how they made friends, got along with family, and explored unique learning environments. They're eager to share the benefits and advantages they experienced through homeschooling. Their lives were (and are!) full, rich, and happy.


Available in digital formats or in paperback.

Buy Now

A traditional school path often involves college.
But, can unschooled teens get into college?
How do they do once they are there?

Sue and other experts address these concerns that empower you to answer them for yourself and with your kids.
Read more here...

By Sue Patterson June 20, 2021
Are you worried about unschooling teens and transcripts? Here are the resources you need to feel confident about unschooling AND create an acceptable transcript.
By Sue Patterson May 31, 2021
Can unschoolers get into college? Yes! They're doing it all the time. Sue Patterson will share how this happens...
By Sue Patterson March 22, 2021
Why do we feel like the stakes get higher when it comes to the teen years? In some ways, maybe it does. In other ways, not so much. Let's talk about unschooling a teen.
Unschooling, Math, Older Kids
By Sue Patterson December 18, 2020
Unschooling Q & A with Sue Patterson - "How DO older unschooled kids learn the math they need to know?"
By Guest Blogger June 21, 2019
In thinking about writing this article and pondering an appropriate title, I kept coming back to a song that was written for an Off Broadway show a few years back.  The song is called "Die Vampire Die" and it's about all the people (the vampires) who try to suck the life out of your creative Read More

Need Help Creating a Transcript?

Sometimes it's hard to visualize how you're going to translate your teens every day activities into an acceptable transcript. Even if your kids are younger, this idea can worry you!

That's why I created 2 options to help parents like you!

  • Take the Mini-Course to DIY your way through
  • Let me walk you through it all with lots of hand-holding!

Your Choice!

Tell me more!

Get Your Free Resource Guide
                        for Parents Unschooling A Teen

I've collected and created so many resources to help parents who want to unschool their teenagers. But they seem scattered all over the place - on various websites, in blogs, using different social media platforms.

I've pulled it all together in this handy resource designed to let you know what's available.
It will definitely help make your path easier to navigate.

✓ Inspiring information to support your unschooling journey!

✓ Resource links to get you the information you need.

✓ Stay Connected so you'll always know how to reach out for support!

Get the PDF
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