Unschooling - Just for December!

Sue Patterson


Every year, I talk about how the holidays include so many opportunities to learn.

And then I hear moms murmuring,

“Yes, after we wrap up our math curriculum for the semester,"

"just a few more writing lessons, and then we can do the holidays.”

As if doing the holidays is the dessert, and you have to eat your vegetables first. And we all know what that kind of thinking did to us in our warped relationship with food. That idea that dessert is the prize, makes it more valuable - that’s the Forbidden Fruit concept I’ve talked about before.

Why do we want to do that with learning? 

Why do we want to separate it out from Life?


“These things Mommy and Daddy think are the most important, we do those first, and then we can have meaningful family time with our holiday traditions and ways to connect."

Why isn’t THAT the MOST valuable thing we can offer kids in December?

Not some half-baked, let’s rush through this stuff, it’s not that great and you won’t remember it, but I bought it and we’re doing it.

So. what if we just put a pin in all that. 📌

What if you accept my invitation?

You missed the Invite?

I’m inviting you to be an Unschooler just for December. See what I’m talking about.

I’ll walk you through it.

And remember, you get special access to joining my Membership group without the $99 sign up fee if you use my link whether you’re watching this on YouTube or listening to the podcast, I have special links for y’all here too.

So if you needed support while you do this little month-long adventure, you could hop into the Membership group and I’ll be there to hold your hand and walk you through.
Plus a whole community of wonderful moms and dads and more resources than you could imagine!!

Let’s talk about, step by step, how to become an unschooler this month.

Your Own Learning Journey

About the Learning...

Remember that the holidays are pretty exciting times for kids. Lean toward that.
Their brains are sponging everything up without the resistance you probably encounter with the curriculum. Learning is really a natural process - it’s school that’s the artificial unnatural way. And that means school at home curriculum too - because traditional homeschooling is just bringing home all those schooly ways. 
So that’s what we’re going to stop. Yes, the school approach is familiar - but it’s not the best way to learn.

About the Research...

All the educational research supports doing things differently- and we have the opportunities to tap into that and implement the research because we’re just one family, not an entire system chugging along with its bureaucracy and red tape. So if you’d like to put yourself on an Educational  Workout Plan, I have a bunch of research linked at the website. You could simply read one article a day to offset what you’ve been conditioned to believe with the schoolish approach. (And, we DO know what “schoolish” rhymes with, right?)

Read the Research!

What to do Instead of Curriculum...

Ok, so what do you do if you’re not doing curriculum? How do you see the learning in their everyday activities?

Let me tell you, it’s not going to happen overnight. But you’ll get glimpses. 

For example, your kids that live YouTube videos will suddenly tell you about something scientific or world-related. You’ll wonder, “How do they know THAT?” 
Because they were allowed to be curious and own their own discovery and learning!!
When it’s OUR idea, we retain it.
When it’s someone else’s idea, parents, teachers, curriculum companies, we’re just checking the box. ☑️

Even as the homeschooling parent, haven’t you had the experience of just checking the box to make sure you’re progressing through the lessons?
Not because it’s inspiring or you’re curious to know more about something.

Or, if you’re thinking,

“I’m curious about it - they’re not!"

It’s probably because it’s YOUR idea, not theirs. They are not you!

All right, so you have your Research list to work through and I think I’ll make some Unschooling and Deschooling lists for you too. It’s all set up in the membership, if you want to hop in there right away, but maybe you could use a Table of Contents for podcasts, videos, blogposts on certain topics.
Let me know if that sounds good. (

So that’s step 1 for you - You're dismantling of the conveyor belt you’ve been on.

Focus on the Kids' Interests

Next thing...what do the kids like to do?

 I know, many of you will say “play on the iPad” - but what if they gravitate to that so much BECAUSE you’ve pushed curriculum and they’re looking for an easy way to have free choice.
So many families discover that their kids do other things TOO when they have more say over their day to day lives.

  • What are the family traditions that everyone enjoys? 
  • What are TRULY fun activities they’d like to do - or YOU would like to do?
  • What if you talk to them about choices for this week?
  • And then you create a weekly plan - filled with connection and holiday fun.

Sure, some things may look better on Pinterest than they do in real life...but that’s ok.

It’s all trial and error. You’re starting to really individualize your lives this month.

What works for you and your kids?

Do they hate crafts? Ok, move in another direction.

Would they just like to EAT the Christmas cookies you make and they don’t really feel like getting in there and baking with you - ok.

The goal this month is More Joy, More Connection.

Focus on the Real Kids you have, not the Kids you have in your head, or some Instagram families showing something idyllic. You know, I have my doubts about those guys. Remove that pressure.

What if this is the month you actually enjoy your time with the kids? 

What if you get to know little pieces about them, you’ve had to rush past in order to check a bunch of boxes?

What if you journal (or just ponder) a bit about why you do that?

What story is in your head pushing and prodding you?
Is it helping you be the parent you WANT to be for these kids?

Let’s aim for that this month.



Pressure-free holidays.

One holiday activity a day.

Then go look at Christmas lights and see who is adding more in your neighborhood.

Fill your home with music that fits your traditions.

Go ahead and see if the kids WANT to do any of the activities over at Pinterest this month.

Find out what they’d like to do this month and let them.

Say “yes” more - this will allow you to make suggestions that they will say yes to as well - you’ll be modeling it.

And if you were looking for the subject specific boxes to check - because many of us are still deschooling - I have an Unschooling Guide: Holiday Learning - you could grab that. Specific subjects connected with decorating, cooking, gift-giving, get-togethers. All Laid out for you.

If you’re more of a video person, I have YouTube videos of recordings of Holiday webinars I’ve done in the past - more of a walk-through with the subjects in mind.

Switch over to unschooling this month. 

Close up shop.

Pack up the curriculum.

Pull out the construction paper to start the paper Chain countdown. 

Prioritize connecting with the kids as a holiday gift for your family.

All the other stuff will be waiting in the cabinet for you next month.

Who knows, maybe all this reading and learning about how unschooling works and how learning CAN happen organically, maybe you’ll begin to see it all a little differently. 

My goal isn’t really to turn everyone into Unschoolers. It’s more of a desire to help you live a life you and your kids enjoy together. Learning will happen, you may need to make some adjustments, but you don’t have to duplicate school at all. 

So go ahead...

Accept my invitation to be a December Unschooler!
Gather up these resources I have for you and let’s enjoy this month!

Let’s connect by email
and I’ll get all these links over to you:

Holiday Resources!

Learn more about Unschooling with the Holidays!
I'll send you the link full of resources and we can be connected via email for more inspiration each week!

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