Unschooling Kindergarten

Sue Patterson

Parents with 5 year olds. “Kindergarten Parents”. It’s almost a rite of passage for parents.
BUT maybe you’re not feeling that great about the idea of sending your kid off to Kindergarten.
OR maybe you know someone in this situation. 

want to unschool their child, but they're not sure what they're supposed to do.
They've had a TON of conditioning telling them to get that little one ready for school time - and that that they'll love kindergarten!

They (Maybe you?) have been convinced that Kindergarten is what you do.
It’s a required milestone. The.Next.Step.... like learning to walk or potty training.

But it's NOT a natural "next step."

It's the beginning of getting your child integrated into the system. Yes, they'll talk about letters and learning to read. They'll count to 100 and begin to sort. My guess is that you’re probably already doing that with them. 

What you’re NOT doing that they will have happen is school,

...is getting in trouble for not sitting in their seats for hours on end

...for talking excitedly to their new friends near them.

...Learning to wait quietly,  

..."Learning to conform to the system"
Those are big skills that for some reason... schools have decided are really important.

These little kids that need to run around and play tag and jump and climb - not sit still, or stand in line.
They need new experiences - not the same ole classroom.
They need places where they can be messy and noisy and they won’t get in trouble for that.
They still need to be hugged and comforted when disappointments happen or they don’t understand something or they get frustrated. They need snuggling and cuddling when you read to them. 

They need to engage with the world with their whole body, all their senses!

Kindergarten can’t allow for all that.
Too many kids.
Not enough grown ups - plus a system that really wants them to become good cogs in the wheel. 

I think sometimes we have rose-colored glasses on when we think about Kindergarten. Maybe we had sweet memories - or maybe we’re just hopeful. 

Life isn’t like that story we have in our heads. 

Sure, some people may need to send their kids to Kindergarten.
I'll be honest, it IS free child care. And if we weren’t doing that great of a job parenting, it might be a welcome idea.

But YOU! You’re listening to this podcast.

My guess is that you ARE connecting with your little kid and looking around for cool experiences they’d enjoy. Kindergarten in a school... it won’t be like that. 

What if you just skipped this year?

What if you bought them one more year of childhood?

Most states don’t even require Kindergarten when they set up their compulsory attendance laws.

So what if you took off those rose-colored glasses about kindergarten and you thought about what kinds of things could you do with your child so they could have all the benefits of those stories you have about Kinder - without the drawbacks?

Your little one needs more playtime.
He doesn't need to hit all the school benchmarks - they'll come as you play with them.

So... I made a list for you! A Free PDF with 55 things to do as you UNSCHOOL Kindergarten
Play is so important at this age - really ALL ages! I have several other podcasts about Play - I’ll link to them too.

So... I made a list for you!

A Free PDF with

55 things to do

as you

UNSCHOOL Kindergarten

Get This Free PDF!

Playing with Language Arts

  1. Do rhyming words. What rhymes with her favorite animals? or his name?
  2. Make easy words with magnet letters or bathtub sponge letters
  3. Play with tongue-twisters

Playing with Math

  1. Play with cards (remember "War?" - easy and fast. Or "Concentration")
  2. Sorting candy, M&Ms, Skittles, all Halloween candy - which is More? Which is less?
  3. Fold towels (it's Intro to Geometry!)

Playing with Science/Art

  1. Go on a hike and talking about the seasonal changes.
  2. Look for shapes in the clouds.
  3. Dig in the dirt
  4. Do science experiments in the sink

Multi-subject Activities

(well, they all are. But these are really noticeably not easily compartmentalized)

  1. Play Games ( Unschooler's Favorite Games )
  2. Make a cereal necklace
  3. Play with messy things - make an area for it, if you need to (Slime, Gak, Sand)
  4. Build with blocks, boxes, plastic containers

So grab the free PDF with 55 activities - with even MORE ideas! Or dive into my Pinterest Boards where I've been collecting cool things to do with kids for decades now!

I know it's really scary to do this... but maybe your little one needs more time with you.
They can hit all the school benchmarks by PLAYING with you!

School is nothing special.
They're just talking about the things
that you and and your child get to DO in real life!

I know. You want to do what’s best for them.

But what if what’s best is SKIPPING Kindergarten? 

Good news. You Don't Have to Do This Alone!

Sometimes it helps to be around other parents who are going this route. It's harder when you're surrounded by others who want to pursue the mainstream educational path. They often want to lean on parents who choose differently trying to get you back to conforming the way they do.

I host a Membership group that allows parents to connect with other unschoolers, get support, get coaching from me - plus members-only resources to help you create a strong unschooling foundation.

Yes! I Need This!

Even if you ONLY skip Kindergarten...

This could be an incredible year for you and your child.

It’s worth considering, right? 

Reach out if you need to talk about it.
I’ll put links in the shownotes for you.

And I’ll be back next week.


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