So you’ve decided to unschool this year. Or maybe you were already unschooling, but THIS year, you’re going to really be intentional.! I think that’s GREAT! And I am here to help you start off on the right foot.
Imagine you’re driving down the road.. maybe a highway because Life is Fast!
And you look up to see billboard that help you figure out what’s next.
That’s what we’re going to do here. I’m going to help you see these billboards where you might need to turn off and spend a little time. Some of you can look at the billboard and think, “Nah, I’m good on that one.” and just speed on by. Others, can see it and think of it as a much needed rest area - whew! Thank heavens that’s coming up next.
So before we dive in, if you’re new to the podcast, I’m Sue Patterson, your guide here at all things Unschooling Mom2Mom. I have all sorts of resources to help you figure out how to step away from the schoolish approach to home educating your child.
And we all know what “schoolish” rhymes with, right? You can find links for pdfs, podcasts, blogposts, videos right here at the site. I’ve been making resources for the community for decades now.
Every year during this Back-to-School season I create something new.
Last week, we did a free webinar to help everyone get started.
On Monday, I’m doing something really different for me. I’m offering an Unschooling 101 mini-course - a pop-up Facebook group that will only last for 10 days. I’m going to be in there helping you dive deeper on the 10 topics I think you need to get really confident as you start your unschooling journey. The recordings will be available in the shop later, at a little higher price, but for these next 2 weeks, I want to be in there with you - at a great deal! $10 for 10 days!
Don't miss out!
In sticking with my roadmaps and billboards theme here for the podcast, I want to explain a few of the first steps you can take. YOur first steps into unschooling - as if we’re driving down the highway together, turning off at certain exit signs. I’ll go more in depth in Unschooling 101, but this can get you started.
Now you’ll have a map! And a navigator here in the car with you, reading the billboards for you. Instead of searching around the internet, trying to see what’s worth your time and what isn’t. Or maybe what’s first and what can wait - that’s what I’m going to do for you in Unschooling 101. If this is something that will help you, I’ll have the link in the show notes or over at the website. Or you can always
email me and ask - I’ll get it over to you!
So, let’s dive into my highway analogy.
Music is playing - how about Pink Floyd’s The Wall, or Alice Cooper’s School’s Out or even Pink’s Let’s Get this Party Started. Maybe something from the movies School of Rock or Accepted...
I’ve started a
NotBack to school musical playlist over at YouTube, so if you have some songs you think that would be good to add, let me know! I’ll add them!
Ok, so music is playing and you look up and see the first billboard:
Individualize the learning for the kids - AND for yourself! You’re going to have to learn and unlearn some things. We may even have some People Pleasing traits that push us toward conforming or not stepping out of line. But if you REALLY want to individualize everything for your kids, you have to take the turn off for truly Individualizing. No lip service, no carefully crafted IEPs - but looking at the child standing in front of you. What are they curious about? What are their interests? Start there.
When we’re wringing our hands and wishing that the familiar way would just WORK, we can’t move forward. Looking at what specifically is overwhelming you and tackling those issues. They’re going to be different for everyone. But it’s like the boogie man in the closet - it’s really just a scarf on a hanger. Turn the light on and let’s bring down this overwhelming feeling.
Sometimes we’re distracted by thinking we need a school room. Or we need our house to look like something from a magazine. Truth is, it is going to be messier than usual - because real people live there every single day! This is a next step from the Individualizing turn off, because YOUR home is going to reflect the interests and activities of YOUR kids. Some rooms may be filled with art supplies and flat surfaces to do projects. Others are where science projects can happen without everyone panicking. Set up cozy spots for listening to stories or poetry or PODCASTS. And grab some more pillows for watching cool things together on TV. See what I mean?
Next turnoff on our highway...
Don’t rush past this one. Think about all the reasons you are making this choice to do something so unconventional. Because I’ll be honest with you. Some days aren’t going to go well. Some days the critics might get to you. Or the kids won’t cooperate. Or you’ll just be running out of gas. You’ll need to be able to refer to your WHYs - so make a list! And keep it handy for those days.
Which reminds me of our next exit ...
Maybe they’re friends or family. Maybe they’re spouses. Maybe your whole community is going in the other direction. Especially for those of you who were homeschooling last year (or longer) and it’s just not working like they said it would. You need more information about unschooling and how that can work. The more information you gather, the better equipped you’ll be for handling all these different critics. Do you have to argue with everyone or tell them you’re shifting gears? Absolutely not. You grow your own confidence first.
Sometimes you need to
add ANOTHER community into your life, parents who are also doing this unschooling thing. Parents you can bounce ideas off, share what’s working and what isn’t, celebrate little wins together. Parents who aren’t going to tell you that this is all YOUR fault or your kids need more discipline, or you should put them back in school. That school-at-home approach is familiar, but a LOT of parents are discovering it’s not even the best way for kids to learn. You need more parents like this in your life. You need better information and support. And this is the only way to conquer that critic in your own head - that’s sometimes that’s the worst one of all, right?
The next few billboards are all about dismantling those schoolish thoughts, finding the learning in every day life, tapping into the seasons and strewing, creating our own “Unschooling Curriculum” that doesn’t look anything like school.
That’s what we’re going to dive deeper into in the Unschooling 101 mini-course. I want to help you really get really confident in unschooling and I have 10 days - a different topic each day with videos, pdfs and worksheets - kind of like I have with these billboards or more in depth. The billboard isn’t the whole thing - it just shows you where to turn off to get what you need. Come do this with me - let’s do these next few months differently. You just needed a roadmap! I have one for you!
Thanks for listening.
I’ll probably need an extra week before I’m back in here with you on the podcast, because I’ll be immersing myself in the Unschooling 101 ideas for the next 2 weeks.
Maybe you’ll join me over there!
Otherwise, enjoy the kids, and I’ll be back again soon!