As the December wraps up, it's helpful for unschooling parents to reflect on the past year celebrating their family's successes and accomplishments. Why not use an end-of-year review to do it?
I know, most unschoolers would recoil at something sounding so formal. But what if we could modify it so it FITS what we've done this past year, how our kids have progressed - what worked and what didn't?
We can look at all of this without even a nod toward school subjects.
Maybe your child DID learn to read this year, or can tie their shoe, or they visited some historic monument that they enjoyed?
We can have a variety of learning experiences weaving throughout our year, let's take a look!
Look through your calendar and go month by month.
Or think about how your child was a mere 6 months ago. Most kids make big strides when you look over a span of time. This is sometimes harder to notice when you're in the thick of it.
Think of the following questions as you think back on this past year:
What traditions do you and your kids enjoy? Have room for some new ones?
Thinking about the months ahead...
See how easy it is to make a year-end-review AND make plans for the future? By taking the time to be reflective and learning from the past, unschooling parents really can create the unique environment where kids can thrive. I'm excited for you!
I have a few tools that might be able to help you.
Over the years, I've created tools for unschoolers to make the most out of this time of year. This collection gives you specific guidance for reflecting and planning your unschooling journey.
✨The New Year's Guide/Workbook helps you look back and see the progress your family has made in a year. When we take time to do this,
we stop our own negative spiraling saying how "we're not doing enough!" You'll surprise yourself - and maybe reframe your perspective!
✨The Video Interviews Guide/Workbook can be used any day of the year! Grab a snapshot of where everyone is today! Sharing favorites in their own words - so fun! Many families have incorporated this into their annual family traditions for New Year's!
✨Brainstorm Time is perfect if you love Planners! This Unschooling Guide helps you look at what could be ahead for your family. Kids' interests change and this tool helps you find out more about what they're thinking.
It's all really about experimenting to see what works
and gathering the data to help you make the adjustments for the future.
The tools in this bundled package are all available individually for $15 each.
But from now through January 15th,
And of course, we can always talk 1:1 to get questions answered or withing the coaching group - my fabulous unschooling community that can get you more support and a little more hand-holding.
Bottom line, you dont have to do any of this alone!
Enjoy the last few weeks of the year. I hope you're well.
Reach out if I can help you - and we'll talk again soon!