Goodbye 2019 – Hello 2020!

Sue Patterson

New Year’s Resolutions were always problematic for me. Great hopes - often unrealistic - would soon lead to disappointment and guilt for not following through.

So then the “Choose Your Word” idea rolled in inviting us to ditch the Resolutions that were really only wishes with no workable strategy or plan. But choosing a word… while it sounds lovely, and many of my friends were happily contemplating what word resonated best with them - I was paralyzed.

ONE word? For a whole year?

I immediately wanted to negotiate for better terms!

I simply couldn’t decide.

“Rest into it,” they’d tell me.

But when I did that, my mind begin it’s little habit of overthinking. 

What if I pick a word like ‘relax?’
Would the Universe begin tossing all kinds of chaos, testing and challenging me?
As if you say, “Ok, how ‘bout THIS? Can you stick with RELAX through all of this??”
So if I follow this line of thinking, choosing a particular word I want could actually provoke the opposite in my life!

  No thank you. Not worth the risk.

I know, my brain can be weird. But maybe yours does something similarly - or something else altogether different.

But this time I have a new plan!

And this one actually DOES resonate with me.
It has 2 parts: Reflection and 2 Questions.

Use the FREE workbook to look at the past year. Examine it realistically.
No judgement. Just data.

Then we'll ask ourselves two questions... 

  1. What would you like to release in 2020? What do you want to be rid of?
  2. What would you like to call into 2020? 




No pressure. No right or wrong answers.  You can add more as it comes to you. 

This is a New Year’s Tradition I think I can do!

Wanna try it with me?


Two Free Resources for YOU!

2020 Release & Invite!

Here's the link for the workbook I mentioned in the article above.

Really, it can be done any time - not just for New Year's!

Taking a realistic look at what's worked and what hasn't can give you so much information for your next steps.

This 10-page printable workbook can guide you toward the unschooling life that is the best fit for you and your family!

FREE Workbook, please!

New Year's Video Interviews

Ready to wrap up another year but looking for a fun way to go about it?
Maybe it's time to dive into video interviews with the family!

Grab this guide for some interview questions as well as a few worksheets to help jog your memory of what's happened this past year.

Grab your free guide here!

Need A Little More Support?

Whether it's group support, a quick phone call, an unschooling course, or DIY activities, I can help you out. Check out my coaching page ( ) and see which option will be the support you've been looking for!

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