What About Socialization?

Sue Patterson

Are you wondering...

"How DO Kids Who Don't Go to School Find Friends?"

This question surfaces on social media and I'm happy to put your minds at ease.

Kids who don't go to school don't have trouble finding friends.

  1. Homeschooled kids make friends based upon shared interests.
  2. Homeschooled kids are not limited to friends who share their same birth year.
  3. Homeschooled kids can play with other kids at any time or day of the week.
  4. Listen to the Unschooling Mom2Mom Podcast: What About Socialization? (below)

Parents may have to make extra efforts if the family lives rurally or in a really small town.
But unschooling families do it all the time.

Basically, kids make friends the same way adults do - through shared interests.

So if their interests are computer games, they'll have more online friends.
If their interest in theatre or dance, they'll make friends there.

Because we're in this weird Post-Pandemic phase, many of the group activities were put on hold and didn't come back. Parents who CAME to unschooling because of the Covid situation, didn't have the experience of Park days and group outings. And because many of these activities were run by parent volunteers (whose kids enjoyed the activities) - well, those kids have maybe "aged-out," shifting their interests elsewhere.

So we're seeing the newer unschooling families picking up the torch and creating the experiences their kids are looking for.

Possible Group Activities You Could Create:

  1. Weekly Get-Togethers (Soccer, Park Day, Skate Park)
  2. Holiday Parties
  3. Game Day
  4. Movie Marathon
  5. Family Camping Trips
  6. Potlucks
  7. Debate Clubs
  8. Homeschool Choir
  9. Create an Unschool Co-Op*
  10. Messy Craft Days in your backyard (tie-dye, painting)
  11. Gymnastics during the school day
  12. Roller skating during the school day
  13. Join a local Scout Troop
  14. Start a Scout Troop for Homeschooled Kids
  15. See what 4H is offering
  16. Hiking Club
  17. Swimming Day/Pool Party
  18. Dances
  19. "A Park A Week" Club - exploring parks in your city
  20. Rent a Bouncy House
  21. Rent a Video Game Trailer
  22. Hiring Someone to Teach a Hobby They Want (photography, Improv acting, dog-training, anything!)
  23. Hire a Science/Magic show - or plan some experiments to do as a group
  24. Set up a Babysitter/CPR class at the RedCross
  25. Create Monthly Community Service projects
  26. Destination Imagination/Odyssey of the Mind

Join a local homeschooling group to participate in some of their community events - and see if any of their families would want to participate in something you set up!

30+ Ways Teens Make Friends

  1. Online Friends
  2. Gaming Friends
  3. Youth Groups
  4. Sports
  5. Participate in community theatre
  6. Movies and Munchies - see a movie, then go out to eat together
  7. Dance classes
  8. Craft classes for teens
  9. Skate Parks
  10. Comic Shops
  11. Library groups
  12. Volunteering
  13. Fan-Fiction Group
  14. Go to a poetry Slam
  15. Scout troops
  16. Movie Nights
  17. Game Nights
  18. Part-Time Jobs
  19. Adventure Trips
  20. Summer Camps
  21. Comicons
  22. PopCulture Conventions/Conferences
  23. Technology/Gaming Conferences for teens
  24. Community/Rec Center Classes (Welding, cooking, painting, photography)
  25. Civic-minded teens might join the town's youth commission, offering ideas and learning about leadership.
  26. Civil Air Patrol/Air Cadets
  27. Band/Musical options
  28. Community Service Projects
  29. Unschooling Conferences with Teens
  30. Zoom Meet-Ups with other Teens
  31. Internships/Apprenticeships.

*An "Unschool Co-Op" could be whatever you envision! Instead of focusing on academics, maybe it's simply activities that are more fun with more children. Parents with certain skill sets or expertise can lead the group. Other parents would pay to have their kids participate, while some of the costs would go to renting the location.


You could consider your Facebook group the "Unschool Co-Op," where the activities move around to different locations.... perhaps with the day of the week being what's consistent for the group.

Yes, sometimes it takes a little courage for you to step outside your comfort zone.
Why is that the extroverted kids often have introverted parents?  But we do what we have to do, right?
Don't be afraid to strike up a conversation and exchange phone numbers with the parent of a child your kid enjoys playing with.

Odds are, they're looking for the same thing!

Remember, kids seldom care about the style of homeschooling other families use. You don't have to be limited to only unschoolers. Focus on the topic, and find kids who share that interest.

A Few More Tips

Unschooling Mom2Mom Podcast:

What About Socialization?

Podcast Transcript:

When I first started on our home education journey the question heard most often was “What about Socialization?” Maybe that was what I worried about most, so that’s the criticism that impacted me the most initially. But that question is still around. Usually you have to dig around to get to the heart of the issue.

When they ask, “What about socialization, are they thinking…

  • their child won’t have access to other children and will be lonely?
  • their child will be socially awkward when someone talks to them, avoiding eye contact, unaware of how to present themselves
  • or maybe they’re worried that your child will be unaware of how to deal with bully situations or how to navigate scenarios like mean kids on a playground.

There are probably more than these, but since I try to keep these posdcasts short, let’s stick with exploring these three.

I’m Sue Patterson and this is the Unschooling Mom2Mom podcast. It’s a different take on podcasts - just a short 5-10 minute Peptalk from me, on one of the topics I’ve heard plaguing Unschoolers over the past 25 years. My kids are all grown now and I want you to know that unschooling really works. Time and time again, this unconventional approach to learning helps kids know who they are, how they learn, and allows the bond between the parents and the children to strengthen. I could go on and on - I just want everyone to experience the benefits of unschooling. So I have courses, guides, membership programs —all designed to help you figure out how you can embrace these ideas too. Reach out if you need help.


But today, the “S” Word - what about Socialization.

Let’s look at that first concern...

Lack of access to other kids.

This... is not realistic. Kids seek each other out - at playgrounds, in dance classes, online. And since unschooled kids are encouraged to dive into their interests, they actually find other children with similar interests. Their friendships come from shared experiences and not desk proximity or sharing the same first letter of their last name. Talk about an arbitrary way to make friends! No wonder you could be close to someone in third grade and then when 4th rolled around, they were nowhere to be found. Desks shifted, lunch periods changed, and that 3rd grade Buddy was soon forgotten. It’s because it was superficial. Friendships for unschooled kids CAN be circumstance-driven like that, but it’s more likely to be a better friendship because they like the same things, they share the same interests.

But there are plenty of kids to be found. Unschooled kids hang out online or in real life with others at all hours of the day and night - when we’re not in a pandemic at all hours of the day. And they have friends who go to school too - maybe joining them in some shared activity during that small window that school kids are available. So the lonely kid scenario isn’t a real issue.


Developing Social Skills

is the next worry people voice. This Awkward Homeschool Kid character has been around for a while - perpetuated in books and TV shows. But here’s the truth about it. Kids pick up their social skills from the people they’re around - so in our unschooling family cases, they’re likely to reflect YOUR social skills.

  • What are you modeling for them? 
  • How do you interact with them? 
  • How do you interact with other people when they’re nearby?
  • Are you friendly? Considerate? Patient with other people?
  • Do you make eye contact with others, strive to include people in conversations, listen more than you talk?

We all have things to work on, right? But you don’t learn these skills in a classroom. As a matter of fact, I remember quite clearly being told,

“You’re not here to socialize, Susie!” 

Personality has a lot to do with this too. And a huge benefit for unschooling, or even homeschooling families, is that we don’t have to subject our kids to the over-valuing of being an extrovert and the shame that is tossed toward those who are naturally introverted. This is probably worth an entire podcast of its own - because the world needs both introverts and extroverts! One isn’t BETTER than the other. When kids aren’t shoved off to school, they can unfold at the pace and in the places that fit them best.

An Unschooling Guide about Socialization? YES!

Let's dive in deeper with this full color 25-page guide addressing a variety of topics that weave in and out of this question. Including:

  • Examining this concept of socialization
  • How to help your child develop social skills
  • What about community?
  • Social benefits of Unschooling
  • Making Friends
  • And so much more!
Get me this guide!

Too Soft

Lastly, we have the point about “toughening kids up so they can face the harsh realities of life.” And often this starts on the playground with bullies, right? Or that’s the scenario people point out. They think of home educated kids as little Hot House Plants that wilt under the first sign of pressure or some adverse condition.

Well, there’s actually lots to unpack on this one, if this is your concern.

And my experience is that when parents worry about this particular issue, bullying was happening way before school recess. A lot has been written lately about bullying actually happening in kids’ own homes and that sometimes PARENTS are the first bullies kids have to deal with. And if this was your own experience growing up, you’ll have even more to unpack to break the cycle - and no wonder you’re worried about kids growing up being weak or soft.

What CAN happen in unschooled kids homes, though, is more communication.

Parents can take the opportunity to discuss scenarios that happened and how to problem solve for next time. Because any time you have people getting together - at park days or online or anywhere really - kids will get the opportunity to be bullied, or learn how to stand up to mean kids, or even how to not be a bully themselves! And it’s not a straight path. Learning to navigate these scenarios takes time - lots of trial and error. But our kids get to learn to do this with a helpful adult nearby who (hopefully) has some good suggestions or can brainstorm with them. And they don’t have to endure the dread of facing their classroom bullies every day for hours on end and no relief in sight. Actually, that’s a good recipe for developing some MALADAPTIVE coping strategies. So yes, I’m glad THAT kind of socialization can be avoided!

2020 and the Pandemic gave us the chance to look at socialization from a different perspective.

NO ONE was getting to socialize they way they used to. And families learned to cope in new ways. And if this was your first year to unschool, know that this isn’t how it normally is! While everyone’s introverted kids (and moms!) have found the silver lining, the extroverted among us are pining for more interactions! Pandemic Homeschooling looks nothing like the way unschooling families tap into communities and wind their way through the world. So don’t make the assumption that it always looks like this - it doesn’t!


These three answers to that question “What about Socialization,” are really the tip of the iceberg, so to speak.

If you’d like to dive deeper into the topic I have an Unschooling Guide that can help and a membership group where we talk about issues like this all the time!

I really want to applaud you for taking apart some of these thoughts and doing the internal work to get to the heart of what it will take to be the kind of parent you really want to be. I hope you have a great rest of the week. Reach out if you need help finding any unschooling resources or have ideas for me to talk about in future podcasts. Please consider liking, subscribing and leaving comments - it will help people find out more about unschooling.

Have fun with the kids, and we’ll chat again next week!

Do YOU Need More Support on This?

That's what the Creating Confidence Membership Group is all about!

With group coaching and a community of supportive unschooling parents, you really don't have to do this alone.

  • Maybe YOU could use some friends!
  • 10 Live group coaching calls each month
  • Private Membership area with resources specific to your concerns
  • So much support!

Yes! Tell me more!
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Unschooling Red Flags January Signals You Shouldn’t Ignore Quite a few people didn’t send their kids back to school after the holiday break! For some, this is brand new. Fall didn’t go well and they’re just going to sit this one out. I get that. Others are continuing with what they’ve been doing. They weren’t in school last semester and they’re not going this semester either. And then some - a lot of you, from what I can tell - are inching more toward unschooling. Maybe you tried a modified homeschooling effort before the holidays, but it wasn’t great. Today I want to talk about Red Flags. And I want to encourage you not to ignore them! Ok! Whether you’re just here for a little inspiration (your weekly unschooling peptalk!) or it’s all new and you’re kinda nervous - I’m glad you’re here! I’m Sue Patterson, your host here on these Unschooling Mom2Mom podcasts. My kids are all grown - all in their 30s now - and I’m circling back to let you know that unschooling really does work. Door won’t close because you choose this unconventional path. You may have questions or worries - and that’s what I try to tackle here in the podcast. And then if you want to dive deeper or get more support, I have courses, and guides, ebooks and calendars. I do private coaching and have a FABULOUS membership group where you can talk with other parents on this path too. I’ll put links to all of this in the notes for you. We all go through different phases when we’re on this unschooling journey. Some are harder, some are easier. It’s one of the reasons I do this podcast. I want you to know that it’s worth it. It’s worth plowing through the confusion or even the criticism. Maybe your kids aren’t acting the way you thought they would. It’s a process for them too, you know. I always tell my membership group that parents have to undo all that schooled conditioning, all those ideas of what’s legit learning and what’s not, all those People Pleasing traits we picked up along the way. And the kids… they have to figure out how to handle all this freedom. And, let’s face it. We’re all human. And most of us, don’t get things right on the first pass. We inch along, a few steps forward, a few steps back… but when we stay with it, we make progress. So that’s what I want to help you do now. It’s January. A New Year. And a few of the questions are popping up: Especially, How are they learning what they need to know? It’s a bit of a loaded question… because sometimes, when we ask this, we already have a pre-set idea of what THINK they need to know. The Basics, right? Or some particular subject? And then, interestingly, we seem to move the goalposts as the kids master these things. Like, now they can read, but can they write? Or now they can divide up their cookies evenly, but what about their times tables… or even Algebra? Because then, as they get into the teen years, we have new goals, right? As I was talking on this week’s coaching call in my membership group, I was mentioning Red Flags. Because even if we have been unschooling a while, these little red flags pop up. Like “Are they learning enough?” “Are they behind other kids their age?” Am I Doing enough?” These are examples of red flags for you. It’s not the checkered flag that’s giving you the signal to push more on your kid or up the ante a little, or Go Go Go!. It’s your red flag telling you something is off. Truth is, you already know that. You feel it. It’s your nudge to do a little more deschooling. Or at LEAST bring these worries out into the open so you can look at them clearly. Where DO these fears come from? Are they based in facts or based in those feelings of familiarity? Because familiarity does not necessarily mean Truth. It just means you’ve heard it or thought it a lot - often enough that it FEELS familiar. But it really may not be the truth. That’s why shining the light to see - do I feel defensive about it? Justified? Have I thought it through with this unschooling lens, so to speak? Could they learn it later? Is the timing truly significant? Do others learn it later and they turn out ok? That’s why it helps to have a community of Unschoolers to bounce these ideas around with. You MAY stick with the original idea - but it will be deliberate and intentional. And if you’re only around mainstream people or traditional homeschoolers, it’s very possible that they’ll just reinforce the fear because THEY’d prefer that you get back into the conforming mode. They have a lot of reasons to do this - and it’s not always because it’s what’s best for YOUR child. That’s why it helps to strengthen your ideas about all of this. You don’t want to just blow whichever way the strongest wind blows. You want to make good solid choices that fit YOUR child. What would some other red flags be? If you are either feeling like my kid's not motivated, my kid's not doing anything, my kid doesn’t know math - or history or science… That's a red flag. If you think, I'm overwhelmed. Why are they asking so much of me? Nobody appreciates me. I’m feeling disengaged. That's a red flag. If you are thinking, the neighbor's kid is National Honor Society and my kid doesn't even know how to set up a division problem. Or, we just need more structure, this is too chaotic. More red flags. So what are yours? They’re not insurmountable. And, actually, Red Flags are helpful. They let you know what you need to work on. They’re your guideposts for what you need to tackle next. Identifying them is the first step. You can do it in a DIY way - Identify the issues that are your Red Flags, and then search the podcasts or the YouTube playlists for these topics. When you go to the blog associated with it - or even the descriptions for those audios or videos, I have additional resources linked that can help you dive deeper. If DIY isn’t really your think, and you’d like a little more help so you can move through this more quickly, I help parents do this in the Creating Confidence Membership group - and I have a lot of tools to help with this. You can always join us. And remember, podcast listeners and YouTUbe subscribers don’t have to pay the sign up fee. Just month-by-month. I’ll link to that too, because it may be a good time for you to get more help. I think I know a lot of the red flags, because I've probably had them all. Or I've certainly seen them all. I've definitely seen a variety of ways people can red flag themselves into a darn near panic attack. So don’t look away. They usually don’t resolve themselves and you deserve to have kinder voices in your head. If yours is particularly obnoxious, it’s important to look closely at the specifics. This will be the only way to know if the voices are right, or just nagging. Maybe it’s People Pleasing or Perfectionist traits that you need to dismantle. It’s important to do this, because it’s going to prevent you from having any Joy or enjoyment in these adventures. But also because your kids are watching how you cope… you may have removed them from the school setting, but did you bring home some of these attitudes YOU learned in school about performance and measuring or comparing, criticism and disappointment? Let’s get this out of the equation so you can assess the situation more accurately. So when you have a lot of fears popping up, see them as the red flags that they are. And take some Steps to work through them. Think about whether you really believe what you’re hearing, or is it someone else’s take on things? Can you think of any examples where this thought isn’t true? Specific examples. Then it’s time to do a little rewiring to stop that thought process. Do something that will interrupt the flow. Go for a walk outside. Listen to some music. Put on some headphones. These kinds of activities can stop you from spiraling into more negative self-talk. I have a lot more ideas as well as examples of Red Flags in the membership group - if this feels like something you’d like to work on. There are also 2 Guides that might be helpful: One is called “Am I Doing Enough” and the other is “Deschooling.” Both really good options. They’re still available in the shop for a couple more months, but they’re always in the Membership resources. So... Red Flags. Let’s learn to look for them. And make some changes so we don’t have to live with these worries. Wouldn’t it be nice to stop all the second-guessing? I remember that phase so well! Feel free to let me know how you’re doing with this over in the Facebook Group. I’ll post the link to this podcast and we can talk about it there! Tell me what YOUR Red Flags are and how you’re working through them. You can do this. I’m over here rooting for you! So learn more about unschooling and deschooling, get the support you need -including self-care, and, most importantly, connect with your kids! Have a great week and I’ll be back to talk with you again soon.
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