Sometimes it's hard to think of some of the easy creative ways that are available to us and to the kids!
It’s time to look around the house and think about what’s available!
Many of these activities just need to be dusted off and remembered.
Hope you enjoy the list - and your time together!
40. Practice your hopping, skipping, galloping skills
41. Practice a standing broad jump
42. Draw with sidewalk chalk in your driveway - send happy messages to neighbors!
43. Make a family bucket list for Big Things you want to go do!
44. Start a journal - decorate the cover
45. Get the family to pose for selfies each day, together or solo, think of a theme
46. Create an account to play on your kids favorite videogames with them - or ask them for an easy game to start with!
47. Start a gratitude jar
48. Think of 3 things you’re grateful for each day
49. Write a haiku poem
50. Write a wild crazy story about your pet (or tell it)
51. Give each other a neck rub or a hand massage
52. Learn how to take your own pulse
53. Have a picnic (inside if necessary)
54. Have a tea party
55. Water the plants outside
56. Watch for new buds and growth
57. Plant seeds
58. Learn the names of the different cloud types
59. Learn some easy knots and what they’re for
60. Play with static electricity
61. Share funny YouTube videos with your child
62. Play fun music in the house
63. Take a long bubble bath with relaxing music
64. Play dress up
65. Put on a puppet show (or stuffed animal show)
66. Have a talent show
67. Learn a magic trick
68. Have a fashion show
69. Learn some improv games
70. Sing karaoke
71. Make a video with your child
72. Play with Snapchat filters
73. Be the cameraman for your child’s LEGO story
74. Sort/organize toys, socks, or whatever needs it
75. Play with play doh - or make homemade playdoh
76. Play hangman
77. Play tic-tac-toe
78. Play Rock/Paper/Scissors
79. Declare a Thumb War
80. Have a spa day (masks and lotions)
81. Do your nails day - manicure/pedicure
82. Paint with shaving cream in tub or shower
83. FaceTime relatives and friends
84. Make slime
85. Learn origami
86. Color - hang your artwork
87. Paint - hang your artwork
88. Set up a marble run
89. Set up a Hot Wheels track for little cars
90. Play Hide and Seek
91. Play Red Light/Green Light
92. Play “Mother May I?”
93. Play Simon Says
94. Play “Warmer” “Colder”
95. Eat by candlelight
96. Take lanterns or flashlights into the backyard and tell ghost stories
97. Play flashlight tag at night
98. Look at the moon - learn about the phases
99. Identify star constellation
100. Say “I love you” multiple times each day!
I have SOOO many ideas saved up for you over at Pinterest.
This link will take you to the boards.