| Akilah S. Richards
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RadicalSelfie on Medium
Be Bold Publishing | Karla Marie Williams
Honey I'm Homeschooling the Kids | Robyn Robertson
My Mommy Flies | Katrina Morrison
The Black Unschooler | Lauren Cephus
The Unschooled afrikan | (Last Post 2008)
@KarlatheUnschoolingMama (Karla Williams)
@FareoftheFreeChild (Akilah S. Richards)
@HoneyImUnschoolingtheKids (Robyn Robertson in Canada)
@EclecticLearningNetwork (Maleka Diggs)
@Raising.Id (Adesola Lajuwomi in Nigeria)
@The_Genius_School (Kareema Akilah)
My Life As A Black Mom Unschooler
Baby & Blog | Darcel White
"You would think that I would turn to a more structured way of learning for her, but I haven’t. If anything I’m even more convinced that our relaxed-nuschool approach is how she learns best."
A Journey From Public Education To Self-Directed Education
Alliance For Self-Directed Education | Yanira Castro
An Afro-Latinx family embraces agile learning and spearheads deeper connection for nuschooling families of color in Charlotte.
These Myths May Be Holding You Back From Unschooling Your Children – Here’s Why They Shouldn’t
Everyday Feminism | Akilah Richards
"Even with highly resonating accounts of schools failing young boys, mislabeling black girls, and being underfunded solely because they are in low socioeconomic areas, many adults are still leery about alternative learning options that do not include school. That’s because alternative education movements are often plagued with a lot of misconceptions about how non-schooling parents facilitate learning and prepare children to thrive in adulthood. " Ten Myths About Unschooling Parents And Unschooling Children.
Why More Black Parents Are Homeschooling Their Children
Christian Science Monitor | Patrik Jonsson & Josh Kenworthy
While some parents cite religious and moral reasons, others say they are keeping their kids out of public schools to protect them from school-related racism. (Subscription Req'd)
Three Ways You've Been Taught You Can't Bet Trusted
Everyday Feminism | Akilah S. Richards
"Understanding our own barriers to a healthy sense of agency can help us to better lead ourselves, and to model healthier options to children we love."
Unschooling From An African-American Perspective
Afrikan-American Unschooling | S. Courtney Walton
"I am grateful for the opportunity and freedom to unschool. My children have such beautiful minds and I believe that they each, with their own individual learning styles and strengths, interests and abilities, is more than capable of discovering and comprehending the world around them without assignments from a textbook."
Raising Liberated Black Children Without The Restrictions Of School
The Atlantic Black Star | Akilah Richards
"But unlike most children their age, Marley and Sage are not enrolled in school, nor are they homeschooled. Instead, they—along with my husband Kris and I — embrace an alternative to the traditional adult-to-child learning and living environment of schedules, structures and schools. Through unschooling (also known as Worldschooling or free-Range Learning) they learn whta they want to learn, at their own pace."
Three Reasons Why Black People Don't Homeschool
Penelope Trunk Blog | Judy Sardon
"Despite the overwhelming evidence that many black middle class kids are falling behind in school, few black families have made the leap to homeschooling their kids. There are several cultural reasons why black people continue to avoid homeschooling despite it being the best choice for their kids."
African Americans Increasingly Turning To Homeschooling
Fox News | Garrett Tenney
George Noblit, an education sociologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill said, African-American parents increasingly turn to home-schooling to protect their children from drugs and bullying, as well as to ensure the kids get more individualized instruction.
Why Black Kids Should Be Homeschooled
Penelope Trunk Blog | Antonio Buehler
Homeschooling is by far the best alternative for most black children. There are problems in school for all children, but the institutional racism of traditional schools means that black children have the most to gain from homeschooling.